Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Should I Jump?, or Rocks Sure Have It Good

Like I said the other day, I'm constantly hunting for methods to create purpose (i.e. meaning) in my life.  Methods to the madness.  Better yet, methods to the meaninglessness.    I firmly believe that I create the meaning in my life.  But creation is irrational and exploratory not logical and systematic.  In other words, I don't know what I'm thinking when I create meaning.  I kind of dick around until something fits (what a fantastically inappropriate way of saying that; so inappropriate, I can't bring myself to delete it).

So I get frustrated.  Nothing except my daughter adequately fits a satisfactory sense of purpose in my life.  Much comes close, but there is always some microscopic failure that I cannot articulate.  I try and fail.  I try.  And fail.  However, no matter how many times I fail, I can't stop.  I require meaning like I require air.

There is a sadistic piece of me, albeit barely perceptible, that unconsciously fantasizes about the demise of meaning in my life.  It's like the itch you get in your feet when standing on a ledge: what if I jumped?  What would really happen?  The irrational (stronger) part of my brain insists on the existence of meaning.  The logical (weaker) part of my brain knows meaning is just a conglomerate of distinct fragments of bullshit glued together on a background of nothingness in my brain. My life will eventually end in meaninglessness.  Any thoughts of immortality are a joke.  (What do you think about your great grandparents?  Probably don't make a meaningful impact on your daily life.)  So why struggle with it so much now?  Why cling to the impossible?

I do not want to lose that which is meaningful in my life (see Babies and Suicide).  I wonder if there is something in between?  An intensity of being.  An existence with an imperceptible self.  A purposeless now.  I wonder if there is a way to be a rock.

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