But back to question at hand: what the fuck am I? Phenomenology has us bracket our perceptual habits and start fresh (more on phenomenology when I know what the hell I'm talking about). So starting fresh: I am atoms. I am carbon; I am oxygen; I am hydrogen; and I am sprinkles of other molecular crap. The table my computer sits on (I won't discuss the computer itself because I don't pretend to understand whatever magic the Warlock Jobs used to create it) is also made of similar, if not identicle, molecular crap. So what am I in relation to it? I am exactly that: a relationship. When I see myself in the mirror, I am looking at the same particles as I see in a cat, or a table, or tree. I am different because of the relationship of those particles. I am a pattern, not a substance.
What does this mean? I am a construct of my mind. My brain interprets the relationships and creates me or the table or the tree. I don't exist as I think I exist outside of my head. So what the fuck am I? I am whatever my mind wants me to be.
Ouch. You broke my head.